AsK anyone you know and when you think of Christmas biscuits you’ll instantly think of gingerbread houses. And let’s face it kids love gingerbread houses. They can build them, decorate them and best of all EAT THEM!!

Since quitting refined sugar I’ve been on a mission to find a healthier way to make gingerbread for kids without compromising on the taste. I’ve played around with this recipe a few times and I think I’ve nailed it. Well, all my nieces and nephews came back for seconds and thirds during Christmas so I have to be on a winner here.

The natural sweetness comes from the dates and a hint of organic honey. And if your kids like that extra bit of spice you can add allspice and nutmeg – I usually add both.

2 cups wholemeal flour
1 cup almond meal
¼ cup nutlex (or dairy free alternative)
2 tbsp organic honey
10 soaked pitted dates (keep the water)
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
½ tsp allspice or nutmeg
1 tsp date water

1. Drain the dates and blend in a high speed food processor until you form a paste. Remove, set aside and clean the bowl.
2. Add the almond meal, baking powder, and spices to the food processor and combine well.
3. Then add all other ingredients (butter, honey, dates, date water and eggs) and mix until well combined.
4. Once all your ingredients has formed a dough, remove this from the food processor and roll until its reached your desired thickness. (We like chunky gingerbread so approx. 1cm thick)
4. Place the rolled dough onto a sheet of baking paper, cover with another sheet of baking paper before placing in the fridge for 30 mins
5. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees
6. Remove the dough from the fridge and using your preferred cookie cutters start cutting shapes with the dough
7. Bake in the oven for approx. 18 mins
8. When they have turned golden brown or reached your desired consistency remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack before storing