Want to know what’s harder than trying to get your kids to try something new when they’re fussy eaters? Trying to get a 60 year old man to try eat something Paleo.

Well, these muffins proved than anything is possible as long as they’re tasty  – even my ‘steak and three veg’ Dad loves them!

What I love most about this recipe is you don’t need a food processor to make them, which as mum is perfect for me, I can bake them once the kids are in bed without knowing I’ll wake them up.

I must admit that I often find coconut flour tricky to bake with but these muffins turned out perfectly and have been on the ‘regular baking list’ in our family. If you prefer to use raspberries then absolutely fine to use those instead of blueberries.

300g coconut flour
100g coconut oil (melted)
80g maple syrup
80g almond milk
80g coconut
4 eggs
300g blueberries
2 tsp GF baking powder
2 tsp ground cinnamo

1. Sift coconut flour and baking powder in a large mixing bowl
2. Fold almond milk, coconut oil and maple syrup into the mixture
3. Beat eggs separately and add to the mixture
4. Mix all the remaining ingredients until well combined
5. Spoon mixture into muffin tin/ cases and bake for 20 mins or until golden brown